How a Nonlinear Workday Can Improve Your Brain Health and Job Satisfaction

Most people have a typical 9 to 5 workday filled with work-specific tasks and a few breaks, but what if we scheduled in more breaks that don’t include work?

According to Muse’s 2022 Brain Health Report, adopting a nonlinear workday, where you work around your natural energy levels, can improve brain health scores, which include memory, focus, sleep, mood, productivity, and creativity. Nadia Kumentas, a doctor of naturopathic medicine and Muse’s vice president of marketing, recommends taking physical and mental breaks regularly. These breaks could include taking a walk, meditating, or socializing with colleagues. It’s important to get away from the screen and do some physical movement during your break.

Nonlinear workdays are perfect for remote workers and those who work at organizations that take a more flexible approach to schedules. If your organization doesn’t support this kind of culture, Kumentas suggests identifying your energy cycles and doing work when you’ll be most productive, and being intentional about taking breaks as you need them. Creating the right nonlinear workday for you may take some trial and error, but it can improve your job satisfaction, and overall job performance.

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