Rethinking To-Do Lists: Prioritizing for Greater Productivity and Impact

Teachers, parents, coaches, and productivity experts have long advised making to-do lists in order to stay organized and manage time effectively. However, it has become evident that to-do lists can hinder productivity by not accounting for the varying levels of energy, time, and prioritization different tasks demand.

The Pitfalls of To-Do Lists

To-do lists can easily lead to a busywork mindset, where the focus is on completing tasks rather than achieving meaningful outcomes. The main issue with these lists is that all tasks are given equal importance, even though they may require vastly different amounts of time, effort, and prioritization. Additionally, there is a tendency to choose the easiest tasks first, sacrificing more important tasks for the sake of checking off items on the list.

The Illusion of Task Duration

Research has shown that only 17% of people can accurately estimate how long a task will take. Consequently, there is a tendency to overestimate abilities and overload to-do lists with tasks that are believed to be completed quickly. This mindset fails to consider the additional steps or challenges involved in completing tasks, such as gathering information or collaborating with others.

Focusing on the Top Priority

To truly prioritize and accomplish the most important tasks, it’s recommended to adopt a “hunter” strategy. This involves identifying and focusing on the most important task first, as if survival depended on it. Write down the top priority on a sticky note and place it somewhere visible as a reminder to concentrate on what matters most.

Determining Top Priorities

One way to constantly evaluate priorities is by asking what tasks will have the greatest impact. Another approach is to look at the tasks that are being avoided, as these often indicate that they are the most important. For lesser tasks, consider automating them whenever possible to free up time and mental energy. Regularly reflect on the work that is most meaningful and make a conscious effort to prioritize it.


Simply checking off tasks on a to-do list won’t lead to fulfilling and productive work. Instead, focus on what’s difficult and impactful in order to achieve the greatest results. By rethinking the approach to prioritization and time management, it’s possible to optimize productivity and make significant strides in both personal and professional lives.

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