The Importance of Emotional Control in Leadership

The Challenge of Emotional Control for Sensitive Strivers

Jude, a chief operations officer at a digital banking company, was a highly empathetic leader but struggled to control his emotions in certain situations. He often wore his heart on his sleeve, which could be detrimental in high-stress environments.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Emotional Expression in Leadership

Emotions can be an important tool for leadership, inspiring trust, boosting collaboration, and increasing motivation. However, there are certain situations where raw emotional expression can backfire, and leaders must maintain a poker face to achieve their goals.

How to Decide When to Display Emotion and When to Maintain a Poker Face

A poker face isn’t appropriate for every situation, and leaders must choose when to display their emotions and when to remain guarded. Leaders should consider factors such as their role in the interaction, the appropriateness of vulnerability, and cultural expectations when deciding how to respond.

Techniques for Maintaining a Poker Face

Identifying personal tells, controlling body language, and monitoring tone of voice can all help a leader maintain a poker face. Leaders should take deep breaths, imagine calming scenes, and use grounding techniques to interrupt their inner eruption.

The Importance of Trusting in Your Ability to Control Your Emotions

Maintaining a poker face doesn’t mean suppressing emotions or being robotic. It simply means being mindful of facial expressions and body language to communicate effectively and achieve goals. Leaders should trust in their ability to stay cool, calm, and collected in any situation.

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